SFHS Celebrates Homecoming Week with Activities

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Spanish Fork High School was having its homecoming week last week.  They had many fun activities like a volleyball tournament, a powder-puff football game for the girls, and a fiesta. And rounding it all up was the football game Friday night. Many students showed up to each of the activities and had a blast. The winning team of the volleyball tournament was the “Diablos,” and the powder–puff champions were the “Spicy Spankin’ Spaniards.” The fiesta had a huge turnout and everyone who attended had a

By Evan Anderson and Karianne Nelson

Firefighter Fundraiser Success

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Last week Spanish Fork High School’s Masque Club conducted a fundraiser for the local firefighters. Each day they went to all the classes in the school asking for donations. Students donated everything from pennies to ten dollar bills. In only three days, they had raised $346.84.

Hannah Carson and Jared John Tuckett

SFHS Students Prepare for Future

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Start preparing now!  There are many tests and scholarships throughout the year, and it is important for students to be aware of them.  Sophomores get to look forward to the UBSCT (Utah Basic Skills Competency Test), which they must pass to graduate.

Juniors can start preparing for college with the ACT.  This test is required for many college applications and scholarships.  The next available date for the ACT will be in October.  Also, juniors can apply for the Coca-Cola Scholar Scholarship.

by Emily McKinney and Hannah Carson

Hope Squad Builds Self Esteem at Jr. Highs

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SFHS Hope Squad had the opportunity to visit both Spanish Fork and Diamond Fork Jr. Highs. They talked to 8th grade health classes about self esteem and making friends. The activities they provided were presented in a way that was fun and helped them get to know each other. The kids also learned how to build each other up as well as themselves.

Karianne Nelson and Jared John Tuckett

SF Choir Boosters Plan Variety Show

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Spanish Fork High School Choir Boosters’ annual fundraiser is coming soon. The variety show is Thursday, September 17th at 7:00 pm in the SFHS Auditorium.  The Variety Show will feature acts like Utah Valley Children’s Choir, SFHS choirs, two past years of Encore, and a whistling storyteller. Tickets will be sold at the door for two dollars per person and ten dollars for a family. All proceeds will go towards scholarships for deserving choir students. This will be a great way for the Booster club to earn money and for the choirs to jumpstart another great year.

By Evan Anderson and Christina Heywood

Fire Fighter Fundraiser Burning at SFHS

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Help support Spanish Fork’s local fire fighters.  Spanish Fork High School’s Masque Club is holding a fundraiser September 7th –Sept. 11th in honor of 9/11.  There will be a spot in the front office where you can donate money.

Every little bit helps, even as simple as loose change in your pocket.  Our fire fighters work hard to keep Spanish Fork safe, and it’s all volunteer work.  This is a great way to show them thanks.

By Hannah Carson and Jared John Tuckett

Small School, Huge Spirit!

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People have been wondering if Spanish Fork High School still has much school spirit now that half of the student body left to go to Maple Mountain.  Kyle Mitchell, a student at SFHS, said, “Our school is doing good spirit wise.  A lot of people have shown up for football games and cheered.”  Bailey Miller, another student, said, “I like our school spirit and the fact that we all group together and lift each other up.”

By Evan Anderson and Emily McKinney

Students Excited about Homecoming Week

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With the start of every new school year, Homecoming Week comes as well! Of course there’s the game and the dance, but what else has been planned? The Student Body Officers have put together a great week for SFHS this year. We will kick the week off with a vacation! Labor Day is on Monday, which means no school for students or teachers. Then on Tuesday, the girls will show how tough they are with an intense round of Powder Puff football. Thursday is jam packed with fun, including Championship Volleyball and a Fiesta Thursday night!

By Christina Heywood and Karianne Nelson

New Renovations Added at SFHS

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Spanish Fork High School is conducting many new renovations this year. We already have painted the commons and added new landscaping around the grounds. Currently, we are adding new blinds, new windows on the gym, the gym ceiling is being opened up, and the outside of the building is being stained to give it a nice new look.

By Evan Anderson and Christina Heywood

Getting Clubbed!

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Join the club! Spanish Fork High School’s club rush week is almost here! Starting on September 16th and 17th students can come and sign up for the clubs offered here at the school. We have curricular clubs such as, National Honors Society, Key Club, FBLA, and other national clubs.

Non-curricular clubs include Masque Club, Hope Squad, Book Club, language clubs, and many more. Students can start their own club by picking up an application from Mr. Brunson any time before September 3rd. This is a great way for students to get involved in life at school, as well as in the community.

Hannah Carson, Jared John Tuckett