
I-Campus ParentWeekly NewslettersBell Schedule
Attendance PolicyFundraisingSchool Boundaries
SFHS School MapOpen EnrollmentCommunity Council
A/B Day CalendarDriver EducationDistrict Website
Swag ShopSchool Land Trust InformationSafeUT CrisisLine
 Scholarship InformationStudent Handbook Parent Canvas Info
CounselingChange Student Password

Breakfast/Lunch Menu

Approved Fee Schedule and Policy Approved Fee Schedule and Policy (Spanish)

Chromebook Use Agreement


Update your Student's Information Online!

Parents are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED  to update student's demographics and contact information on Infinite Campus.  This information is used throughout the year to communicate with students, parents, and guardians. We also need to phone an emergency contact if you are not available and check your student out of school by a person you designate.  It is vital to have all of your student's information current and up to date. Thank you!