Spanish Fork High School Food Drive

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Spanish Fork High School’s Key Club just finished up a food drive that they did last week. They raised many different kinds of non-perishable food items that will be taken to different food banks in Utah. The main food bank the food will go to is in Salt Lake for those who may live in cars, are homeless, and other less fortunate families. Spencer Pugh, the Key Club president, said, “Doing this food drive with the Key Club is a wonderful opportunity to help out the community and others.” This is only one of many service projects the Key Club will be doing this school year.
Jared John Tuckett

NHS Organizes Thanksgiving Project

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The Spanish Fork High School National Honor Society is doing their annual Thanksgiving service project. The NHS asks for names of families that are struggling and wouldn’t be able to have a thanksgiving meal. Then NHS goes and buys food for them so that they can have a nice Thanksgiving meal. This year NHS was able to go to 42 homes and provide a thanksgiving dinner for them. This project is a great way to have the students of NHS realize that service benefits everyone.
By Evan Anderson

SFHS Jazz Band Performs at Lunch

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On Tuesday, November 17th, the Spanish Fork High School Jazz Band had a performance during lunch in the SFHS commons. Students eating in the commons were serenaded as they enjoyed their lunches and some even started dancing along with the music. The members of Jazz band are Jonny Broomhead, Nathan Kimball, Adam Swasey, Taylor Allred, Kyle Hutchings, David Andrews, and Justin Brimhall, with Mr. Bryant Smith as their director.
By Karianne Nelson

Students See Dance Group Perform

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On Wednesday, November 18th, the dance classes at Spanish Fork High School went to Salt Lake City to watch the world class modern dance group Pilobolus perform. Pilobolus is named after a type of fungi because of the unique shapes they create. Lawson Bendall, one of the students who went to this, greatly enjoyed the performance. “My favorite part was the closing number which started out with fireflies. It just looked really cool. We had a great time up there in Salt Lake!” This field trip gave all of the students who went a chance to understand a unique style of dance and to just have fun!
Emily McKinney

Christmas Choral Gala Tickets Are on Sale Now!

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Christmas Choral Gala tickets are now on sale at Spanish Fork High School. Anyone who had the opportunity to go to this wonderful event last year knows that it was an amazing way to bring in the Christmas Spirit. Along with the wonderful music, guests will also enjoy a delicious desert reception and elegant decorations. Tickets are $10 dollars until November 30th, and $12 dollars December 1st and later. The gala is on December 10th and 11th at 7:00 p.m., and the desert reception starts at 6:30.
By Christina Heywood

Close Up Club Goes to Washington D.C.

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Close Up is a club that explores the government and how it works. Members of this club recently had the chance to go to Washington D.C. to see our government “Close Up”. On their trip, they got to go to the Lincoln Memorial, the Holocaust museum, Arlington Cemetery, Capitol Hill, and they even had the opportunity to meet both Utah senators! “We got to meet a bunch of kids from other states, so we got to learn more about different cultures from other states. It made me want to be involved more with our government after learning everything they do,” said Stefanie Muhlestein.
By Christina Heywood

Mr. Spanish Fork

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Spanish Fork High School had a fundraiser for the drill team called Mr. Spanish Fork. Boys signed up to compete in a competition type pageant. The boys competed in 5 categories; Talent, fitness routine, swimwear, best dress, and an onstage question. The winner of Mr. Spanish Fork was Taylor Nelson, with the first attendant, Isaac Asiata, and second attendant, Blake Hunter, and Mr. Congeniality was Carlos Ramirez. Blake Hunter said, “My favorite part was hanging out with everybody and just goofing off.” Carlos Ramirez said, “It was really exciting to compete in. “ Mr.
By Evan Anderson

Spanish Fork High School is “Going Second!”

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Spanish Fork High School helped promote musical awareness at their school by having the band Going Second come and give them a concert assembly. Going Second performed many songs for the whole school as well as handing out free items and t-shirts. During the lunch hour, the band was in the school’s commons to sell their album, pictures, etc. They were also signing autographs for any of the students.
Jared John Tuckett

Intern Enjoys Working at Orthodontist Office

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This week’s intern highlight is Paige Sanford, who interns at Barrows Orthodontist. She is involved in assisting the doctor, observing, helping make impressions, and other things the doctor needs her to do. Sanford enjoys her internship and learns a lot. “ It’s interesting, and I learn new stuff everyday!” Sanford said. One thing she has learned is that the orthodontist doesn’t do most of the work.
By Karianne Nelson

FBLA and DECA Club Attend Leadership Meetings

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At Spanish Fork High School, many students are developing necessary skills for future careers through the Future Business Leaders of America Club. As the name says, this club is geared toward helping students to learn more about business and teaching them to be better leaders. Recently, members of FBLA attended a leadership conference in Provo. McKenzie Berns, and officer in FBLA, enjoyed attending this conference. “We went over to Provo and listened to some speakers.
Emily McKinney and Jared John Tuckett