An “Eyeful” in Medical Anatomy

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This week in Mr. Shepherd’s Medical Anatomy and Physiology class at Spanish Fork High School, students got the chance to dissect eyeballs, more specifically cow eyeballs. “It was interesting to see what an eye is made up of and how much it resembles an olive,” laughs Trevor West. The students were instructed to make an incision through the cornea and to pull off the lens in order to see what the inside looked like and also to be able to identify the parts shown on their diagrams. This is an exciting way to learn about the body, and students enjoy this class.
By Taylor Christensen

Spanish Fork High School Transforms with Technology

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Spanish Fork High School has seen a lot of changes these last few years, most of them happening as this year’s seniors have gone through its halls. From Salem splitting off in the 2008 school year, to Maple Mountain splitting up its student body again this year. However, losing more students isn't the only thing that has changed at SFHS. The school has had a total make over on the outside, but what's better are the things that have changed within the school.
By Kaleb Davis

First All Girls Encore at SFHS

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For many choir students from Spanish Fork, their goal has been to become a part of the Spanish Fork High School’s "Encore Group". During the 2009-2010 choir Auditions, Mr. Bradshaw, The Spanish Fork High School’s Choir Director, assured everyone that he had decided, after much consideration, that there would not be an Encore ensemble group for the following year. Many people were saddened to hear this and disappointed that their dream of being a part of that group wouldn't be possible. "I was sad when I found out.
By: Ashley Davies


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This week’s student internship spotlight is Karen Diaz. She currently is interning at Parkway Health Center in Payson. She is interning as a CNA and is looking forward to a great experience at the nursing home. She hopes to learn a lot and also to incorporate it into her future career, which is to become a registered nurse.
By Andrea DePaz

Hope Squad Visits SF Area Junior Highs

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On January 26, 2010, the Spanish Fork High School Hope Squad visited the Spanish Fork Junior High, and then visited Diamond Fork Junior High on Friday, January 29. They went to the student’s health classes to talk about self esteem. They shared a story about self esteem to the students to show their point. They were trying to tell the students to be nice to each other and to build up each other’s self esteem, not to tear it down. Candace Wride, a Hope Squard member, said, “The students were excited to see us because we bring candy to share with them.
By Emily Barrington

DECA Club Competes at Region Competition

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The DECA Club is a marketing club that competes against other schools in various topics from a quiz bowl on marketing to creating a fictional business. This year Spanish Fork High School had two students, Matt Christiansen and Tyler Galt place at the region competition. But it’s not all fun and games. Being in DECA can open doors for you. The DECA organization gives out scholarships to those who do well. Colleges are also at the competitions giving out scholarships.
DECA Club Competes at Region Competition

SFHS Dance Classes Perform for Parents

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Recently the dance classes at Spanish Fork High SChool put on a performance to show their parents and other students what they had learned that semester. There were thirteen different performances displaying a variety of styles including waltz, hip hop, modern, cha cha, and triple swing. Baylee Argyle, one of the Dance 1 students, said, “It was fun and loud. I’m used to performing, so I wasn’t nervous.” Brenda Mason, one of the dance teachers at SFHS, said, “It was excellent overall. They were a bunch of great students.
Emily McKinney

National Honor Society Enjoy “Soup and Serve” Evening

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On Wednesday January 27, at Spanish Fork High School, students who are members of National Honors Society had a “Soup and Serve” service day. Everyone gathered after school and had a variety of soup, rolls and drinks then set to work on service projects. The projects consisted of sewing and tying baby blankets, making bookmarks, and cards. The blankets were made as receiving blankets that are to be sent to newborn babies in the Utah county region. The bookmarks were made to promote good reading habits in young children and to continue reading throughout their adult lives.
By Kristen Blunck

Swim Team Splashes at Region Meet

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Two weeks ago was one of the last swim meets this season for the SF Don Swim Team. Region Swimming was held on Friday and Saturday at Vernal, Utah. The swim team has been working nearly every day these past few months, since last August in fact, in preparation for this meet. Region was to be the last swim meet for many on the team, but for everyone it was the last ditch chance to drop their race times down to qualify for state. In all the madness Kaley Thomas managed to do well and drop two seconds off her personal hundred yard race.
By Colby Bellows

Spanish Fork High School Discovers Ideas for Spirit

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Spanish Fork High School discovers ideas for spirit Friday night on the basketball court and a crowd of screaming people. January 29, 2010 was the first themed basketball game at Spanish Fork High School: cowboys and Indians. The idea is proposed to move to other areas of the school and its activities. The student body looks forward to more of these themed nights to create more spirit at SFHS.
By Kaleb Ashworth