SFHS Shakespeare Team at Competition

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Spanish Fork High School’s Shakespeare Team performed their Night of Scenes and Monologues where they showcased what they are taking to competition this week. Jen Grzybowski, Katie Cable, and Tanner Holt will be competing with monologues. The first scene they will compete with will be performed by Bethany Hutchison, Matt Cole, and Kyle Crotts. The second scene will be performed by Jared Tuckett and Hannah Carson. The team will be leaving on Thursday, October 8th and will compete this weekend in Cedar City.

Jared John Tuckett and Hannah Carson

Seniors Watch Sunrise

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Seniors at Spanish Fork High School gathered early Thursday morning (the 24th of September) to watch the sunrise and celebrate the start of the new school year.

Tyson Sperry commented, "This is fun, but my hands are really cold!" To help warm students up, there were hot chocolate and muffins provided as a delicious breakfast.

There was also a rock band competition held for anyone who wanted to participate.  Thanks to Senior Council and the Student Body Officerss for planning this fun kickoff to a great senior year!

By Christina Heywood and Evan Anderson

Foreign Exchange Student Learns from Experience

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This year, Spanish Fork High School has a new foreign exchange student, Christina Sun, visiting from Italy.  To find out more about her experience and what she thought about this new challenge, she was asked a few questions.

"Why did you choose to become an exchange student?"

"I wanted to because it would be a challenging and new experience.  It's something that not everyone gets to do, and creates many special memories."

"How is school here different than school in Italy?"

By Emily McKinney

SFHS Night of Scenes and Monologues!

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Spanish Fork High School's Shakespeare Team will be performing their Night of Scenes and Monologues preparing for Shakespeare Competition. The show will consist of each team member performing his/her individual event as well as well as with the ensemble scene he/she will be competing with. At the end of the show, the individual events that will be competing down in Cedar City will be announced.

Hannah Carson and Jared John Tuckett

Intern Enjoys Working at Daycare

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Senior students at Spanish Fork High School have the opportunity to participate in internships around the community. This gives them experience in various fields of their choice so that when they continue on to college, they have a better idea if they want to continue with that kind of work in their future careers. The intern spotlight for this week is Andrea Depaz, who interns at Robyn's

By Karianne Nelson

The Red Revival

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A new club has been introduced this year at Spanish Fork High School called ‘The Red Revival.’ The presidents of this club, Christie Cerenzie and Brynlie Nielson, started it to “join the school in unity by attending home sporting events and cheering on the teams.” Some of the things expected of club members are attendance at sporting events, support of EVERYONE in our school, and good sportsmanship at these events. Members are also expected to refrain from swearing or vulgar language and to get involved and be a proud MIGHTY DON.

by Karianne Nelson and Hannah Carson


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SOMOS - Hispanic Leadership Scholarship - September 18, 2009
Student be a senior who has demonstrated leadership in school, community and/or other service organizations that promote, enhance or strengthen diversity.  Must also be a resident of Utah and of Hispanic.Latino descent.  Pick-up an application in the counseling office.

AES Engineering Scholarship - October 6, 2009

SFHS Welcomes Class of 1990 at Homecoming Assembly

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On Friday, September 11, 2009, Spanish Fork High school hosted the annual Homecoming Assembly, put together and presented by the class of 1990. The assembly started out with a slideshow commemorating September eleventh, and then a posting of the colors by the fire fighters.  It also included the Masque club presenting their check to the firefighters. The class of 1990 challenged the current high school students to several different games, including our own version of family feud and a Rock Band

By Christina Heywood and Emily McKinney