SFHS Singers Participate in All State Choir

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Spanish Fork High School had the opportunity to send twelve students to an All State Choir. The Utah Music Education Association organized the All State Choirs. The top students from every high school in the state were given the opportunity to sing with talented singers from all over the state. The All State Choir totaled approximately 700 students. The students from SFHS were Christina Heywood, Karianne Nelson, Alex Singerman, Candace Wride, Andi Smiley, Ashley Davies, Taylor Bramall, Austin Leavitt, Evan Anderson, Garret Stirland, John Broomhead, and John Woodbrey.

By Evan Anderson

Spanish Fork High School Tries School Tipline

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Spanish Fork High School has a new way of connecting students to security and the administration. The School Tipline is used for students who have concerns about safety or if they need to report something. The concerns are anonymous so students don’t need to worry about being brought into the middle of things.

By Evan Anderson

Fall Sing Heralded at SFHS

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Spanish Fork High School Choirs had a concert on Tuesday October, 13th. People came to listen to great choirs such as Women’s Choir, Mosaic, Concert Choir, and Singers. It was a great opportunity for parents to see how well their kids are improving their singing abilities. Some of the songs performed were the following: Because We Believe, and Dream of a Blessed Spirit among many others.

By Evan Anderson

Windows on the workplace

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Spanish Fork High School has a unique opportunity to see people who have jobs that come and talk about it. This week they had somebody from Utah County Sheriff’s Search Rescue Explorer Post come and talk about what they do for their job and what happens. Cooper Urmston had this to say about it,

By Evan Anderson

SFHS Students Connect with Art

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On October 6th, the humanities, art, and photography students of SFHS went on a field trip to several nearby art exhibits to learn more about different types and styles of art.

They first visited the BYU Museum of Art to see an exhibit of art from the Victorian era and several other exhibits there. Their next stop was the University Mall for a photography exhibit that featured photographs of a group of Chinese monks and a fantasy art exhibit. The trip was then finished with a visit to the Springville Art Museum.

Emily McKinney

Intern gains experience at hospital

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The intern spotlight this week is Hyrum Heward who interns at Mountain View Hospital. He works as a CNA and helps out by changing beds, giving people food, washing old people, testing blood sugar and checking vitals of the patients. Heward likes his jobs there, although he doesn’t enjoy washing old people.

“That part isn’t my favorite. Except for that, I like helping people.”

This internship gives him insight on what he would like to do in his future.

By Karianne Nelson

SFHS Student Council Attends Leadership Conference

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Spanish Fork High School’s Student Council had the opportunity to attend a Leadership Conference at UVU this past week. They learned about heroes, communication, service, and many other helpful topics. They even had the opportunity to hear from Miss Utah.

Kambri Shenk said, “It was a great experience and I’m glad I went.”

“I broke a board!” exclaimed SBO Garret Stirland.

The student council was grateful for this experience to learn how to better serve the school.

By Christina Heywood

SFHS AP Literature class welcomes newspaper publisher

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Namon Bills, the editor for “The Sentinel” newspaper, visited Spanish Fork High School’s AP Literature class to help teach students how to write newspaper articles. He gave many hints for newspaper writing for the students of that class. Christina Heywood said this about her experience,

“It was really cool to get an inside look on how newspapers are put together. I never realized how much work it takes. It was great to learn how to write newspaper articles.”

By Evan Anderson

SFHS Students Explore Careers

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On September 24, the counseling center at Spanish Fork High School had their first Window in the Workplace presentation for the students. These presentations are meant to help students learn more about different careers from the people who work in them. At this presentation, Dave from Northwest Orthotics and Prosthetics came to speak to students about his job.

Emily McKinney

Intern Learns about Teaching

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The intern spotlight of the week is Alex Singerman, who interns at Brockbank Elementary. She helps Mrs. Creer with her 3rd grade class. Singerman helps teach the kids and learns from Mrs. Creer. She also helps with all the 3rd grade classes by cutting and sorting papers for the different teachers, and she gets to play with the kids at recess.

“I’m totally the jump rope champion!” she said. Singerman learns a lot from Mrs. Creer and she enjoys her time as an intern.

By Karianne Nelson and Christina Heywood