Combined Orchestras Perform Concert

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Music is the life of Spanish Fork. On Wednesday the 27th of October, Spanish Fork High School held a combined orchestra concert. It consisted of all the high school groups: the ninth grade class from SFJH, and both the Philharmonic and Chamber groups from Spanish Fork High School. This is a tradition brought back called "the monster concert" in which each group gives an individual concert, and after they've all done that, they give a combined performance, featuring students from both schools. The conductor of the SFJH group was Mr. Wells, and the conductor of the High School groups was Miss.
Combined Orchestras Perform Concert

Purple Pinkie Day at SFHS Helps Polio Victims

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In contrast to speeding out of the parking lot for lunch, many students went to Spanish Fork High’s commons area. Thursday was Purple Pinkie Day. Students had the chance to donate a simple dollar in exchange for their pinkie to be dyed purple. But who would want to pay to have their pinkie colored purple? Those who knew it was for a good cause, that’s who. One dollar was enough to give two children a polio vaccine. It was lighthearted and fun, and those who were involved took pride in their purple pinkie. Those who donated were proud and glad they could help a child in need.
Annie Darling

Spanish Fork High School Swim Team Begins Season

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The Spanish Fork Swim team beat Timp View in their meet against American Fork, Timp View, and Lone Peak on Wednesday October 27. Their boy’s team blew the competition out of the water when they placed 2nd in their relay race. They had many place very high individually and earn their team many points. The season is starting out to be a good one. They have the talent and ability to do well in meets. They could have a chance at taking region, but they would need more people to join. They are a strong team and will continue to do well.
Marree Graham

SFHS Continues to Be Bloodiest School

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This past week Spanish Fork high school put on a blood drive. Kay Thomas Perkins said, “We are still the bloodiest school around.” Although it wasn’t as successful as SFHS has had in the past, students still did a great job. Spanish Fork High donated around 25 units of blood. Jake Meservey a student who donated blood said, “I felt good to donate and help other people out.” There will also be another blood drive at the end of the year. SFHS encourages everyone to watch for when that is and to come out and donate so SFHS can give even more this next time.
Jordan Kramer

Cheer for a Cure

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On Thursday, October 21, 2010, the Spanish Fork High School cheerleaders performed their Breast Cancer Awareness half-time. All of the songs that were mixed into the half-time were based on the theme of ‘never giving up’ and to ‘keep holding on.’ In the middle of their half-time, the cheerleaders took the time to hold up signs that spelled out “Never Give Up!” To end their performance, they got into a formation that made the Breast Cancer Awareness ribbon.

Shelby Evans and ShayLee Reynolds

Spanish Fork Football Celebrates Senior Night

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Despite their win on Thursday night against their in-town rivals Maple Mountain, the night was still an emotional one. Emotions were high all night, and the Dons won their game by nearly 20 points, but as soon as the final whistle blew and the Dons had rung the victory bell, senior emotions started to show. It was the long dreaded senior night. The football seniors were honored with fireworks, a loving crowd, and much more. Seniors include, Travis Still, Cody Duncan, Pj Inoke, Sean Leifson, Isaac Asiata, Chase James, Jordan Stephens, Jerron Orton, and Tyson Galovich.
Cody Duncan

FCCLA Paint Pumpkins

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Spanish Fork High School’s FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) club try their hardest to do as much service as they can. They try to do a service project once a month. For the month of October, the presidency of the club decided to paint faces on pumpkins and give them to the Senior Center right across the street from the high school. The members of the club were invited to participate, and the club felt like this was a great way to give some holiday spirit to the elderly people who are in our area. It turned out to be a great service project for the FCCLA club.
Annie Morris

Nebo School District Awards Thane Stone into the Nebo School District Athletic Hall of Fame

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Thursday night October 21, 2010 during the Spanish Fork High School football game, Thane Stone was awarded into the Nebo School District Athletic Hall of Fame. There to accept the award on behalf of Thane Stone was his family. Mr. Stone grew up in Salem, Utah and attended Spanish Fork High School. While attending high school, he participated in sports, drama, and was senior class president. He was on the football team for three years and selected to the all- state team during his junior and senior years. He graduated from high school in 1941. Mr.
Candace Kester, Morgan Hansen, and sponsored by Nebo School District and Stone Family

The Debate Team Sponsored Stomp

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Can Dons and Golden Eagles coincide peacefully? The answer is, absolutely. Even after the intensity of Thursday s football game, Spanish Fork vs. Maple Mountain, we could connect as friends once the game was over. Proof of this was in the surprisingly good turnout of students from both schools at the combined stomp that followed the game. Despite the fact that it was on a school night, the Debate Stomp after the Spanish Fork vs. Maple Mountain football game was a success. There were students from both SF and MM. It was a reunion of old friends and the beginning of new friendships.
Sarah Nelson

SFHS Window on the Workplace Highlights a Hypnotherapist

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Last week, SFHS students were able to attend the Window on the Workplace with hypnotherapist Kris Keele. This gave students an idea of what it would be like to go into a psychology based career. Keele told about her job and took the students through a mini hypnotherapy session. Leeza Stephans attended the workplace and said, “It was very relaxing to participate in the mini session. It was cool to see what it would be like as a hypnotherapist.
Jared John Tuckett