Welcome to Spanish Fork High School

Students Participate in Skills USA

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Students at Spanish Fork High School are participants in CTE (Career Technical Education) which is a national organization that teaches students the basics in many technical careers that they are interested in. This program allows the opportunity for students to excel in areas such as collision repair, wood working, welding, photography, small engine repair, automotive refinishing, and job interviewing skills. Through the CTE program they allow students to demonstrate their skills by competing in a program known as Skills USA.
By Paige J Sanford Andrea De Paz

An “Eyeful” in Medical Anatomy

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This week in Mr. Shepherd’s Medical Anatomy and Physiology class at Spanish Fork High School, students got the chance to dissect eyeballs, more specifically cow eyeballs. “It was interesting to see what an eye is made up of and how much it resembles an olive,” laughs Trevor West. The students were instructed to make an incision through the cornea and to pull off the lens in order to see what the inside looked like and also to be able to identify the parts shown on their diagrams. This is an exciting way to learn about the body, and students enjoy this class.
By Taylor Christensen

Spanish Fork High School Transforms with Technology

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Spanish Fork High School has seen a lot of changes these last few years, most of them happening as this year’s seniors have gone through its halls. From Salem splitting off in the 2008 school year, to Maple Mountain splitting up its student body again this year. However, losing more students isn't the only thing that has changed at SFHS. The school has had a total make over on the outside, but what's better are the things that have changed within the school.
By Kaleb Davis

First All Girls Encore at SFHS

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For many choir students from Spanish Fork, their goal has been to become a part of the Spanish Fork High School’s "Encore Group". During the 2009-2010 choir Auditions, Mr. Bradshaw, The Spanish Fork High School’s Choir Director, assured everyone that he had decided, after much consideration, that there would not be an Encore ensemble group for the following year. Many people were saddened to hear this and disappointed that their dream of being a part of that group wouldn't be possible. "I was sad when I found out.
By: Ashley Davies


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This week’s student internship spotlight is Karen Diaz. She currently is interning at Parkway Health Center in Payson. She is interning as a CNA and is looking forward to a great experience at the nursing home. She hopes to learn a lot and also to incorporate it into her future career, which is to become a registered nurse.
By Andrea DePaz