Welcome to Spanish Fork High School

Spanish Fork High School Discovers Ideas for Spirit

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Spanish Fork High School discovers ideas for spirit Friday night on the basketball court and a crowd of screaming people. January 29, 2010 was the first themed basketball game at Spanish Fork High School: cowboys and Indians. The idea is proposed to move to other areas of the school and its activities. The student body looks forward to more of these themed nights to create more spirit at SFHS.
By Kaleb Ashworth

SFHS Students Published in Poetry Anthology

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“Roses are red, violets are blue…” Spanish Fork High School’s poets, though not nearly that cliché, demonstrated their prowess of English and writing as many of the students who submitted their original works to the Creative Communication contest were chosen to be published in a book of submitted poetry and the chance to win over $2,000.00 in prizes. The students’ works will be published in the spring of 2010. Congratulations to Caitlin Anderson, Justin Brierley, Nohemi Castillo, Kaleb Davis, Sam Hudson, Emily McKinney, Malorie Mitchell, Alex Ord, and Jessica Taylor.
By Kaleb Davis

Students Express Their School Spirit

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After a four-day weekend, students at Spanish Fork High School came back to school fired up and ready to show their school spirit. Last week SFHS experienced “Junior Week” in which students could express their school spirit and creativity on the dress-up days held throughout the week. One of the biggest dress-up days during was “Hat Day’. Not only could the students break the rules for one time in their life and actually get away with it, but there was some wild fun as students walked the halls with sombreros and other crazy hats.
By Janessa Nielsen

Spanish Fork Choir Sings at Utah Flash Game

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Spanish Fork High School concert choir had the great opportunity to sing the national anthem preceeding the Utah Flash game at Utah Valley University. In front of hundreds, the Choir raised their voices and successfully ignited a fun night of basketball. The Utah Flash is a minor league basketball team who invited the SFHS Choir to be a part of their game to help with fund raising for the upcoming tour in Anaheim, California. For an extra treat, the Choir was able to run on the court with the team.
By Danielle Jones

SFHS ProStart Program Gears Up

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Wednesday, January 13, Spanish Fork High School had a pre ProStart competition. They chose a team that will represent their high school at a state cooking competition. The students are limited to two buson burners and no electricity at the competition. Casey Shakespeare, Sarah Nelson, Mathew Christiansen, and Anjuli Humphreys will be representing SFHS at the State Competition. Miss Larsen has high hopes that the team will win both 1st place and Best New Team. If they take 1st place, they will go onto Nationals.
By Anjuli Humphreys