Welcome to Spanish Fork High School

Spanish Fork Drill Travels to Florida

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February 16-21, Spanish Fork Las Chalitas got the chance to go to Florida to perform in Downtown Disney located in Disneyworld. They performed Thursday February 18 on a stage inside Downtown Disney. Their performance included many of their dances including camp and competition routines. They also had solo's performed by Kambri Shenk and Katelyn Swenson. After their performances they were awarded with a Mickey Mouse trophy to put in their school for a wonderful performance to share with the people in Disneyworld. They enjoyed their trip and loved the warm weather for a week.
by Korinda Mathis

Window in the Workplace at SFHS

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Spanish Fork High School students were privileged to hear a presentation by Teri Lisa Stagg, a representative from ITT Tech, on Thursday, February 25th. Students were invited to attend this presentation in the SFHS Counseling office during lunch. Stagg informed the students of the top 10 careers on demand over the next ten years and motivated them to attend college. This presentation also came with free donuts and drinks for all who attended.

Chadia Siilata


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
This past week at SFHS the Spanish Fork FFA chapter, along with every other chapter of the National Club, celebrated National FFA week. Spanish Fork Mayor Anderson signed a document declaring it FFA week in Spanish Fork. The Spanish Fork FFA officers were present to watch as Mayor Anderson signed the document and then shook each of the Spanish Fork FFA chapter officers’ hands; the officers were very pleased that the mayor would be willing to sign the document. President Obama signed a similar document that declared it nationally FFA week across the nation.
By Tyrel Prior and Kyle Mitchell

SFHS Debaters Attend Region Meet

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On Saturday, February 20, 2010, the Spanish Fork Debate teams had the opportunity to compete for Region at Payson High School. The students had prepared to compete for several weeks before the competition. In the different types of debate, two teams from Spanish Fork went undefeated. Many other teams did well and were the top teams of at the competition. The Spanish Fork team came in second over-all and will compete for state in March. It looks like the team has more preparation ahead of them.
By Hyrum Heward

Student Intern – Katie Cable

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Katie Cable is an eighteen year old student intern at two junior high schools. She aids Mr. Olsen in correcting tests and in helping students that need extra help at Diamond Fork Junior High. At Spanish Fork Junior High, Katie helps Ms. Holley in her “Introduction to Drama” class. She takes role and plays games with the students and teaches them how to act. Out of the two, she likes the drama one the most because she gets to teach and be with the kids more. The teachers like having her there to help with the kids and Katie enjoys it. She says, “I love it!
By Katelyn Lambert