
Spanish Fork High School Announcements

Spanish Fork High School Announcements for 10/24/2024

Pumpkin Carving

Attention HOSA Club Members! Our next activity is a combined activity with Maple Mountain HOSA Club! Cut it like a Surgeon, is our Pumpkin carving part tomorrow, Thursday, October 24th @ 3 PM- JUST RIGHT AFTER SCHOOL! Grab a buddy, and carpool up to MMHS. The party will take place in Room E-203!

Rory will have some pumpkin carving tools, but if you have some to bring, bring those too! We will have a rip-roaring good time, practicing our surgical skills like Meredith Grey! This is for All Hosa Club members! See you tomorrow at 3 PM @ MMHS!

Sterling Scholar Applications Due

Sterling Scholar
This is a reminder to all seniors:

If you are interested in applying for Sterling Scholar, applications are available in the Counseling Center. Pick yours up today, fill it out, and be sure to return it to Mrs. Whittekiend in Room C110 before 3:00 p.m. on October 31st.

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