Welcome to Spanish Fork High School

Freedom Festival Winners

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

We want to congratulate two of our amazing sophomores who won awards from the 2017 Freedom Festival. Madeline Johnson is the Liberty Award winner in the essay category and Ashley Noris is the winner of the art contest. Both of these awards come with cash prizes and scholorships. Great job ladies! We are proud to call you Dons!

Bonnie Beckstead


Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Spanish Fork FFA competed in their State Career Development Events this week. We had 32 students compete in 10 different competitions. We had 4 teams place in the top 5 and an additional 3 in the top 10 and 8 individuals in the top 11.

Livestock: Amanda Olsen, Britton Redd, Jared Roach, Stran Sorensen

Kaylee Liddiard

2017-2018 Student Council

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Senior Council: Taylor Bates, Sadie Bennett, Ethan Bodmer, Seth Jones, Andrew McCann, and Cameron Smith.

Junior Council: Tessa Clayton, Taylor Gordon, Tanner Olsen, Wade Roberts, Derek Sowards, and Melody Wooten.

Sophomore Council: Jorge Aguero, Sam Ashworth, Austin Cook, Vanessa Kelepolo, Mady Lackey, and Savannah Loreen.

Congrats to all of you. We are looking forward to a great year!

Kennedy Frame

2017-2018 Student Body Officers

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Kennedy Frame-President, Evi Chacon-Vice president, Emily Pope-VP Secretary, Colby Roberts-VP Service, Spencer Cable-VP Ambassador, Kennedy Payne-VP Spirit, Tim Christensen-VP Pulic Relations, and Sam Darrington-VP Activities

Congrats to the new SBOs! We are looking forward to a great year!

Kennedy Frame