Welcome to Spanish Fork High School

SheTech Tech Challenge Winners

Submitted by kippy.bishop on

Congratulations to our SFHS girls team for winning the Tech Challenge at SheTech on Friday at UVU!  Team members included Ashley Brimhall, Sarah Rowley, Emily Rowley, Elise Wilson, and Aubrey McConnell.  The winning team received hats and other swag from MarketStar, one of the event sponsors.  SFHS girls rock

Fine Arts department receives grants from Nebo Foundation!!

Submitted by jolynn.ford on

Congratulations to our Fine Arts department!  The Nebo Education Foundation has approved a grant for Clint Roberts in the amount of $635.02; for Angela Harman for orchestra items for $240; and for Scott Moody for ceramics supplies for $1,000. Our teachers will do a lot for SFHS students with these funds from the Nebo Education Foundation!

6th Annual Homeless for a Night

Submitted by deon.youd on

SFHS's 6th annual Homeless for a Night is coming up on Friday March 4, 2016. Students can register for the event in the finance office. 

Homeless for a Night (HFAN)  is an all-night fundraising activity where students give up the comforts of home for one night to raise money for Tabitha's Way, a food pantry in Spanish Fork. HFAN also helps students learn empathy for those who have less by asking them to go without sleep and some of the things they are used to having at home.

Winter Guard Places 1st at AFHS competition!!

Submitted by jolynn.ford on

Our awesome Winter Guard placed first place over the weekend! They placed 1st overall in each caption (equipment skills, movement skills, design, and general effect). Also, two of our students found out they have been admitted to BYU, one into the music program at Snow and one to the music program at the U. It was a great day for Spanish Fork! Image removed.