SFHS Tennis Team Does Well at Region

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Congratulations to our Boys Tennis team for taking 2nd in Region overall and to Cade Sermerseim who took the Region title in the #1 singles position. We'd also like to celebrate Cade Sermerseim, Taylor Jensen, Nick Chingas, Ben Rosenbaum, Jared Dixon, and Taylor Chandler who qualified for State.
~Lisie Dixon

FFA Banquet Ended in Success!

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The 2010-2011 FFA school year went out with a bang. The term “Out with the old and in with the new” came about at the end of the year banquet. All of the senior officers gave their retiring addresses which was an honorary way for the FFA to show appreciation for all of their hard work. At the banquet the new officers were put into place for the ones that served over this past year.

Kira Fenn

ASL Competition Attended by SFHS Students

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On April 28th, five students from Mrs. Bond's American Sign Language 1 class went to the ASL Competition at Copper Hill's High School in Salt Lake City. Natalie Boyack, Lauren Maughan, Jeffery Coons, Michael Gardner, and Taft Pace were the representatives for Spanish Fork High School. They left the school at 11:00 AM and picked up students from Provo High. On the way to the competition, they stopped at the Sanderson Community Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Salt Lake City.

Lauren Maughan and Ali Skrabut

The SFHS Instrumental Music Classes Hold Their Final Concert

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The past months of hard yet entertaining work made by the SFHS instrumental music classes met their climax on Wednesday night, May 11th, at 7:00 PM. Music that originated from many different time periods was performed that night, ranging from Star wars and Pirates of the Caribbean to Finlandia and Carnival of the Animals. Ms. Magelby, the instrumental music instructor at SFHS, worked the students in both Band and Orchestra extremely hard over the last two weeks, and the results turned out to be great.
Aaron Jolly

Yearbooks Distributed at SFHS

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On May 20th, the students of SFHS were finally given their much anticipated yearbooks after getting out of school early to exchange and sign books, some saying goodbye for the last time. Seniors were given their books first, leaving juniors and sophomores to wait impatiently for a half hour that seemed like a lifetime. “This year’s yearbook was poppin’. It was better than last year’s, and the year before,” exclaimed Lavi Tuita, a senior happy about receiving her yearbook.

Ashley Voss

Scholarship Assembly Honors Students at SFHS

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On May 17, Spanish Fork High School held their assembly honoring those students who received scholarships for various skills, academics, volunteer work, and talents. All seniors gathered to watch their fellow scholars walk onstage and accept their papers from a representative of the scholarship, as well as shake hands (and even give hugs) to the administration and councilors. Loud rounds of applause were given as each student’s name was announced, everyone knowing the struggles and hard work put into the academic excellence needed for the financial support of college.
Ashley Voss

Athletic Awards Assembly Impresses SFHS Fans

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Spanish Fork High School held their annual Athletic Awards Assembly on May 20th, 2011. Several students were recognized for their significant participation and successful performance in SFHS athletics. Special congratulations to Travis Still and Jennifer Huntsman, our 2010-2011 “Outstanding Athletes.”


Lisie Dixon

Dons vs. Skyhawks ( The Last Great Battle )

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The Boy's Soccer Team ended their season with the most exciting game of the whole season. The Dons squared off against the Salem Skyhawks last Thursday, on their home field, under the lights of the football stadium. The crowd was impressive, loud and so enthusiastic. “ They really helped us play to our full potential,” said Matt Stevens. Salem jumped to the lead early with an own goal, but the Dons quickly answered with a deadly shot by Golden Money. The game continued, and possession changed hands many times.

Austin Stevens

Spanish Fork High School Math Teacher named Teacher of the year.

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Mrs. Trina Ward, a math Educator at Spanish Fork High School, was recently named Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Ward has been teaching for 13 years, but this is her 3rd year at Spanish Fork High School. In her time at SFHS, she has become a beloved teacher and staff member. I had the chance to get to know Mrs. Ward. She received her Bachelor’s in Mathematic’s Education at BYU, and is currently working in the Master’s Program at BYU. She is the Math Department Chair, member of the School Community Council, and has served on the Intervention Committee.
Alyssa Wright