Welcome to Spanish Fork High School

Drama Dons are Rock Solid!

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

The Spanish Fork  Drama Dons competed this past weekend in the National Shakespeare Competition at the Utah Shakespeare Festival. They were well received, and were awarded 2nd Place overall. They also received: 2nd Place for the 10 minute scene, 2nd Place for Monologues (Brenden Anderson), and third place for Duo/Trio scenes (Tia Lee and Mitchell Young). The Dance Company also received 3rd place for their dance inspired by Hamlet. All of the students and groups that participated received overall superior ratings. 

Andy Hunsaker

Homecoming Week Oct. 2-7

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Monday: Powder Puff Football-6pm on the football field
Tuesday: Volleyball game followed by movie night (8ish) Hocus Pocus in the D gym.
Wednesday: Drama Dons/Shakespeare Feaste (we encourage everyone to buy a ticket and go) 6pm $16 for dinner/show 
Thursday: Kickball tournament at SF sports park, west softball diamonds at 4pm followed by Soccer Senior Night
Friday: Assembly in the morning, BBQ @ lunch, Football game

Counselors visit the U for you!

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Our Counselors visited the University of Utah and were able to get in on all the up and coming things happening at the U! The University of Utah is a great school and is ranked in the Top 100 of all universities in the World! The U of U has refined their admission process from the former "admissions index criteria" to a new, "holistic approach." They now consider both academic preparation as well as personal achievements when determining who they will accept.

Leslie Swenson