November 2019

Spanish Fork FFA Success

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Spanish Fork FFA recently returned from National FFA Convention below find out about the great things that happened or watch this video clip to see the awesome success of our students. Spanish Fork FFA recently returned from the 92nd National FFA Convention held in Indianapolis Indiana.

Kaylee Liddiard

National Winners in Agriscience Fair

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

The National FFA Agriscience Fair, sponsored by Cargill, John Deere, and Syngenta recognizes student researchers studying the application of agricultural scientific principles and emerging technologies in agricultural enterprises. The agriscience fair is for middle and high school students. Participation begins at the local level and progresses to state and national levels. Jesse Shepherd, Ashley Olsen, and Russell Mangelson were all named finalists and competed at the National FFA Convention.

Kaylee Liddiard

Teacher of the Week #10

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Week 10 Teacher of The Week is English and Psychology teacher Adena Campbell. Mrs. Campbell was nominated because, "Mrs. Campbell just gets it. I was having a hard time finding my worth and she is always there to cheer me up and make me feel like I matter." Thank you for all you do for SFHS and making it such an amazing place

Teacher of the Week #9

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Week 9 Teacher of The Week is our Business/Marketing teacher Elise Ford. Mrs. Ford was nominated because "She is so genuine. She really cares and wants to be helpful. She is always super nice and wants to push me to be better." Thank you for making SFHS such an amazing place to be!

We Are FBLA and DECA

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Students from our FBLA and DECA clubs had the unique opportunity to tour and meet with business executives from DoTerra and RevRoad. Students gained insight into different aspects of a business and what it takes to operate successful companies. Thanks to DoTerra and RevRoad for hosting us!

Elise Ford