Welcome to Spanish Fork High School

Teacher Spotlights!

Submitted by seth.spainhower on

We are so grateful for our amazing teachers and all that they do! Read below to learn more about some of our awesome teachers!

Heather Love

Special Education Teacher

What is your favorite drink?

Crystal Ice - sparkling water

What is your favorite sport, activity, or hobby?

Mud Runs or Ragnar Trail Races

What is your favorite restaurant?

China Aisle or Cafe Rio


Key Club’s Halloween Service Project: Trick-or-Treating Thirst Project

Submitted by seth.spainhower on

This past Halloween weekend, Key Club members went Trick-or-Treating for donations to the Thirst Project (a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing clean drinking water to those in need). We had a small group show up, but they all worked hard and earned $400.25 in just an hour and a half. If you’d like to join Key Club, it’s not too late, we’re always anxious to have new members! 

Feel free to sign up and help us make a difference! 

Lori Jacobson