Welcome to Spanish Fork High School

2022 Nebo Stakeholder Survey

Submitted by seth.spainhower on

Nebo School District values your continued input regarding our schools. We invite you to give your feedback regarding teachers and administrators working at the school to which your student attends. You may take the survey for any or all of your student's teachers.  The survey will be available until Monday, Feb. 28th, 5:00 pm.

2022 Nebo Stakeholder Survey

Nebo School District

Nebo’s Advanced Learning Center (ALC) Open House February 7-8, 2022

Submitted by seth.spainhower on

Nebo’s Advanced Learning Center (ALC) will being holding their annual Open House on February 7-8, 2022, from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. for Nebo students interested in career-type classes. ALC’s address is 161 East 400 North, Salem. Come and explore, discover, and create. ALC programs are offered to Nebo high school students while the students stay involved at their primary high school.

Students and parents will meet the ALC teachers and learn about various courses offered. Some are listed below:

Building Construction

Lana Hiskey