Welcome to Spanish Fork High School

Sterling Scholar Finalists 2017

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Congratulations to our Sterling Scholars Joseph Buck--Instrumental Music and Brynn Lewis--Dance.  They made it through the first round of interviews and were selected as finalists representing SFHS.  Wish them luck as they prepare for the final interview round on March 2nd.

Shauna Whittekiend

Region Swim Competition

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Congratulations to the swim team for an excellant showing at Region competition. Many swimmers were able to get best times. The following team members were state qualifiers: Danica Butler-200 yard and 100 yard freestyle; Ammon Arp- 50 yard freestyle; Topher Riding-500 yard freestyle; Austin Butler-200 yard and 500 yard freestyle. The boys 200 yard freestyle relay team also qualified. The relay team is Eli Oxborrow, Dallin Smith, Ammon Arp, and Kade Winsor. Way to go swimming Dons!!

Christina Shakespear

SF Dons Plaques

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on


Celebrate your time as a Don! Hope Squad is selling personalized SF Dons plaques for students or parents to order for students. You can put your name and year you are graduating on them.  They come in two sizes:8X12 = $1011X17 = $15Pay finance office and then we will send you the link to fill out before submitting your form. Once we get all the orders in we will have them back in about 2 weeks.