Once Rock Solid…Always Rock Solid.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
Spanish Fork High School students, staff, and construction workers all worked hard during the summer to continue the Rock Solid tradition from last year. The Staff contributed by pre-planning after school study programs and goals for the new year, as well as extra-curricular activities for the school. Along with the new year, SFHS has a brand new remodeled gym, a new walkway to the entrance, and other new additions that are helping to improve the school. The students have contributed by helping the teachers set-up classrooms, cleaning the school as well as transferring materials into different rooms, and supporting each other’s teams. The support was shown through posters and banners made for the high school’s team; popsicles were taken to some of the summer teams practicing in the hot sun, and the first few football games have been attended by many students. Along with attendance to the football games, a new addition has been added. All students were given a black t-shirt with the words “Rock Solid” written on the back. We expect nothing less than the best from the students at our school. Rock Solid!
ShayLee Reynolds, Haleigh Emerine, and Whitney Nielson