March 2022

Employee of the Year - Becki Pace

Submitted by seth.spainhower on

At this month's Board Meeting, our very own Becki Pace was named as a Nebo School District Employee of the Year!! Becki couldn't be more deserving of this award. She puts in countless hours at SFHS and benefits so many students and athletes. Becki is a dedicated student advocate who always goes the extra mile to help students. She is also an amazing soccer coach and helps our program thrive. We are beyond blessed to have her as part of our Don Family! 

Congratulations, Becki!! 


Sterling Scholar Winner and Runner-up

Submitted by seth.spainhower on

At the Sterling Scholar Awards Ceremony that took place on March 17th, Jesse Shepherd was named Winner of the Science category and Ariana Whatcott was named as Runner-up in her category of Vocal Performance!

We are so proud of these awesome students who represented our school and community! Go DONS!! 

Award Ceremony YouTube Video 

Shauna Whittekiend

FCCLA Success

Submitted by seth.spainhower on

This week our SFHS FCCLA chapter competed at state. Aspen Brinkerhoff earned silver in the Leadership event and Maycee Taylor earned bronze in Sports Nutrition. Way to go ladies!

If anyone is interested in becoming a member or an officer for next year so you can compete in FCS related events and learn industry & leadership skills, talk to Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Fausett, or Coach Jensen!

Heather Peterson

State FFA Convention Success

Submitted by seth.spainhower on

FFA had the opportunity to attend State FFA Convention March 10 and 11.  While there students had the opportunity to compete in events, listen to motivational speakers, attend workshops and network with other students from throughout the state. 

We would like to congratulate the following: 

Ashley Olsen

  • Agriscience Fair Animal Systems 2nd Place
  • State Star Farmer 2nd Runner Up 
  • Poultry Production Proficiency Winner  (will represent Utah at nationals) 


Kaylee Liddiard