Beginning April 19, Spanish Fork High School’s FFA Organization (Future Farmers of America) competed at the State Career Development Event (CDE). In order to compete, the members must put together teams consisting of four people to enter each category. The categories that SF’s teams entered were Horse Judging, Livestock Judging, Floral Culture, Ag. Communications, Ag. Sales, Ag. Mechanics, Dairy Cattle Judging, and Food Science. In each category, they must not only undergo a practical examination, but a written one as well. A good example of just how hard these competitions are is found in Ag. Communications. In this category, a general topic is provided for the teams. This year’s topic happened to be Water Conservation, and each member was assigned one practicum to complete. Examples of the practicum are a news report about the topic and a proposal on how to solve it. Remember, after completing their practicum, the teams also have to take a written test. Fortunately, SF’s teams did pretty well this year. Kricket Keech took 2nd High Individual in Horse Judging and Tyler Galt took 3rd High Individual in Livestock Judging. The Horse Judging team also ranked Gold, but didn’t place in that ranking. The Livestock Judging Team did the same and the Ag. Communications ranked Silver, but didn’t place. The Ag. Sales, Food Science, Dairy Cattle Judging, and Ag. Mechanics ranked Silver, and lastly, but definitely not least, the Floral Culture Team ranked Bronze. When interviewed, Jailee Pace, the former president of FFA said, “It was fun. It was nice to have our hard work pay off. There were good learning experiences and you got to get involved with students from other schools. It’s a good way to get involved and start learning about skills and careers that benefit you in your future.”
by Kayla Christensen