Preposterous Rumors Underneath SFHS

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For years, rumors of what lies beneath the students feet here at Spanish Fork High have been an article of legend. Long have stories been told of the deep dark caverns that create a complex labyrinth beneath the school. Concrete bunkers that were placed back in the “heat” of the Cold War. Some of which are more than large enough to hold the entire student body and enough supplies to last for weeks. Also, the massive cold concrete hallways that connect the entire hushed up facility. Some of these hallways have been rumored to be stretched to places as close as our own football field, clear to the City building. What marvelous feats of engineering if I do say so myself! Not only is there great craftsmanship in the incredible caverns below our school, but also in how those preposterous stories have all come about. What actually lies beneath the school is an enlarged version of a common crawl space. The largest of these spaces is beneath the gym and is barely large enough to stand straight in. This is not exactly the bomb shelter of legend that we were expecting, but it was the largest section beneath the school. And, in for the place of the massive hallways that connect each “segment” of the basement, it is just a narrow shaft that is barely large enough for you to squeeze through on your hands and knees. The most fantastic representation of tunnels however, are the hallways. Below each of our schools hallways is an empty space that follows the layout above. They are roughly the same size, (except vertically, you might have to duck a little) and are used to carry the plumbing and much of the wiring throughout the school. So still, they’re nothing too fancy. Zoe and I went into this article excited to see what all those legends were about; but, when we saw the tunnels for ourselves, they were as the Wizard of Oz. Just a little old man, who sat behind a curtain with a mega-phone. But the myths will live on because a small internet article in the school paper won’t slay something as long lasting as this wonderful myth. But that is all that lies beneath our great Spanish Fork High, preposterous rumor.
Zoe Patton, and McKay Larsen