Nebo Welding Invitational

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This was a Nebo School District event with each high school bringing three contestants.  Each contestant was awarded a door prize from our 22 sponsors and the top three finishers were awarded a top-of-the-line auto darkening helmet provided by Lincoln Electric and Miller Electric. The top three finishers also were awarded money from Wyotech Institute along with a $5000 scholarship to their school. The first place position, on top of all the other prizes, won the covenanted Carhartt Coat valued around $150. Also each school is competing for the traveling trophy that gets to be displayed at the overall winners school-after losing the chance to get the trophy for the past 2 years by one point, we took it back with a vengeance by sweeping the competition overall by 10 points! SFHS was well represented in the top, Filimone Tukuafu took 1st place, Corbin Cox took 3rd place and McCade Mecham took 4th place. All were rewarded heavily by the sponsors and represented SFHS very well. Great job, boys!!!