11th Annual Recycle and Repurpose Fashion Show

Submitted by seth.spainhower on
Fashion Show
Fashion Show
Fashion Show
Fashion Show
Fashion Show
Fashion Show
Fashion Show
Fashion Show
Fashion Show
Fashion Show
Fashion Show
Fashion Show

Fashion Design and Sewing students at Spanish Fork High School competed in the 11th annual Recycle and Repurpose Fashion Show on November 21st, 2022.  Students had roughly 3 months to create a fashionable, unique outfit based on the theme the students chose this year which was the “Elements – Earth, Wind, Air and Fire”.  It was an incredible night, one to not be missed!  Students modeled their designs down the runway and competed to win their category element or one of the three overall winner categories of Avant-Garde or Ready-to-Wear and Judge’s Choice.  We had a panel of five amazing judges who commented on this being one of the best years of designs they have seen so far.  Two of our judges have been a judge almost every year since the beginning and one judge, Whitney Carter, was the teacher who began this fashion show 11 years ago.  Check out the pictures of some of the outfits designed from recycled materials such as grocery bags, VHS tapes, magazine pages, book pages, vinyl and paint, feathers, cardboard, cotton balls, thrown out fabric from stores, repurposed baby blankets, newspaper and much, much more!  Don’t miss next year's show in the fall of 2023!  Proceeds from the night's events go back to the class to help further student learning and provide the participation prizes all students get for competing.  Thank you for all our parents, administration, CTE District office members and FCCLA club support with this event.

Brandi Fausett