Twelve Days of Christmas Delivered at SFHS

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The Twelve Days of Christmas for Spanish Fork High School started on December 1st and ended on December 16th. As a school, there were different items to collect everyday for kids in need that have never had any new things. Some of the items included pajamas, school supplies, cash, new underwear, unworn shirts, gift cards, personal hygiene products, etc. This project was a good lesson for all of the students. SFHS students learned about the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas is all about giving, not receiving. It really helped to know that Spanish Fork High School was making a difference in children’s lives and doing their part to help out the community. The PTSA over saw this project and helped get everyone involved. Members of PTSA came around to all the second period classes to collect the items. Kortnie Dansie had this to say, “ The twelve days of Christmas was a huge success for our school. We worked hard to get everyone involved. Some boys would even auction off their singing and dancing skills for people to donate money.”
Kenzie Beckstrom and Jordan Kramer