Welcome to Spanish Fork High School

Christmas Idol

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This year’s Christmas Idol at Spanish Fork High is sure to be a blast. It will be on December 15th at 7:00 p.m., and it will be three dollars for admission. The talent show will be set up like American Idol, with three judges who are choosing their own characters to be. Auditions have taken place to choose both the judges as well as the contestants. Taylor Bramall has been responsible for planning the event. “Christmas Idol is going to be way fun! And it will be even better if more people come, so everyone needs to come!” Everyone come out and support this wonderful event.
By Christina Heywood

Choral Gala

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The Spanish Fork High School choirs are having their annual Christmas Choir Concert. The Christmas Gala is a night full of desserts, great music and great entertainment with great decorations that takes days to set up. The Christmas Gala is on December 10th and 11th. The price is $12, and you can buy tickets at the door. Christina Heywood had this to say, “This year’s Gala is going to be beautiful. It will have fantastic music, splendid decorations, and delectable treats.
By Evan Anderson

Service Displayed through Horticulture

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The horticulture students at Spanish Fork High School have been learning how to arrange flowers by creating centerpieces for Thanksgiving. These centerpieces include button daisies, two-toned daisies, carnations, and seeded eucalyptus. “We were trying to make sure it looks good from every view,” said Kylee DeGraw, one of the horticulture students. Through their flower arrangements, the horticulture students have been able to serve others and feel the joy that comes from this.
Emily McKinney

Students Published in Creative Communications

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Recently held was the Creative Communications writing contest; this year’s theme was What is Important to you? When talking to Michael Cope, a contestant in the essay portion of the contest, he said, “I had to think for a bit on what was most important to me in my life, and I decided on my family. I wrote about how my family influences me and makes me a better person by helping me set my standards high.
Hannah Carson

SFHS Reflection’s Contest Winners Announced

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Reflections is a contest that has several different categories that aim to inspire creativity in students. Some of these categories include Photography, Dance, Literature, Art, and Music. The topic was “Beauty is…”. Topics of the entries ranged from essays about inner beauty to photographs of beautiful scenes. “This year’s topic was really good. It was inspiring. It made you think and inspired you to be a better person,” said Tyson Sperry, a contest winner in the category of Literature. Winners received money, coupons, and candy bars.
By Christina Heywood