Welcome to Spanish Fork High School

We Are FFA

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

FFA had some students with awesome success. The proficiency award program recognizes students for the skills they have developed through their Supervised Agriculture Experience (where they take what they learn in the classroom and apply it in a real world setting). On January, 10 of our students were named Area Winners (our version of region). These students then moved on to the state competition which was held February 9. 

Kaylee Liddiard

Kindergarten Registration is Moving to Summer

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Kindergarten registration, traditionally held in March, will be moved to the summer and combined with grades 1st -12th. More detailed information regarding summer registration for K-6th will be sent out to you before the end of the school year. Parents can prepare now for registering their kindergarten children by making sure they have a birth certificate and that their child is current on the following immunizations: DTaP, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Polio, Varicella, and MMR by the end of July.  

Lana Hiskey

Concurrent Enrollment Parent Information Night

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

On February 26th, we will be holding a Concurrent Enrollment Parent Information Night.  This is for all Parents and Students (grades 9-12). We will be covering information regarding Concurrent Enrollment classes available, Sophomore by Exception Pre-Requisites, Regents Scholarship Requirements, and more. This will be held at Spanish Fork High School in the Auditorium beginning at 6:30.  Please join us as this will be a night filled with valuable information as well as representatives available to answer one-on-one questions.  

Leslie Swenson

We Are Drill State Champs

Submitted by bonnie.beckstead on

Congrats to our Drill team for being the 4A State Champions! They won their Region competition and competed in State Semi-Finals on Thursday, January 31st. They advanced to the State Finals which were held Friday February 1st at 9am. The completed their 3 State Routines (Military,  Dance, and Kick) and had an exemplary performance in each routine. The Las Chalitas have had a successful season all year, but knew to win the State Title they would have to peak at just the right time.

Leslie Swenson