SFHS thanks their custodians

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Spanish Fork High School would like to send a huge shout out to their fabulous custodians and all their hard work. Especially this time of year, in this cold weather, they are out making the side walks clear and safe. With majority of the school being outside, it takes a lot of work to make the school a safe environment. No one will never catch them doing anything other than very productive work. They are always putting their best foot forward. Along with their ability to work hard, they are all very friendly and supportive to the students. Spanish Fork students have said, "I love our custodians, whenever I am at the school, it is always clean." So from early mornings, long hours of the day, and late at night, they are here working to make Spanish Fork High School a better place to be. Thank you SFHS custodians!!

ShayLee Reynolds and Danielle Christianson