Intern Learns about Teaching

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The intern spotlight of the week is Alex Singerman, who interns at Brockbank Elementary. She helps Mrs. Creer with her 3rd grade class. Singerman helps teach the kids and learns from Mrs. Creer. She also helps with all the 3rd grade classes by cutting and sorting papers for the different teachers, and she gets to play with the kids at recess.

“I’m totally the jump rope champion!” she said. Singerman learns a lot from Mrs. Creer and she enjoys her time as an intern.

“I love it! It reinforces my plans to be a teacher. I’m so excited to help and teach kids. I think teachers make a big difference in society.” Singerman is planning to be an elementary teacher when she grows up, so this internship will help her a lot in her future.

By Karianne Nelson and Christina Heywood